The puppies are 5 months old. They are all loving life with their new families. So wonderful they are!
Purple girl loving life in Nova Scotia with all her doggy friends! We love her to pieces!
Light Pink Girl loving life in Ontario and so so so so sweet and cute!
Green boy loving life in Washington State and still a goofy boy!
Teal boy loving life in British Columbia with all his new friends.
Goldie girl loving life in Nova Scotia with all her favourite toys.
Black Boy with his beautiful sister loving life in New Brunswick with some amazing horse friends.
Orange Girl loving life in Nova Scotia with her amazing family.
Red boy loving life in Ontario and still looking so beautiful.
Blue boy loving life in Quebec with his best buddies.
Midnight boy loving life in Maine and traveling to new and exciting places!
Lime boy loving life in Nova Scotia having a comfy nap at the end of the day.