The puppies have had a very big week! Their eyes are now open and they can hear quite well. They are also getting their little pin sharp teeth! They are very social and love to snuggle. Talia is still being a great mom. The puppies will start to get some puppy formula during this week so that Talia can get a little break. They will also be getting a bigger area and saying good-bye to their box. They are ready for more space. All of them are walking well and moving more everyday. They are starting to play with each other and will try to knock each other over! They got their puppy collars on today for the first day and did great. Their collars are purple, dark pink and light pink for the girls, and black, red, lime and green for the boys! The puppies are adorable!
Puppy Collars
Black Boy
Dark Pink Girl
Lime Boy
Purple Girl
Red Boy
Green Boy
Light Pink Girl
The 7 Puppies!