Dark Pink Girl. A cuddly puppy who is so sweet and friendly. She’s going to be just like her mom Pixie, a princess Leo.

Light Pink Girl. So sweet she is! Pinkie loves all the kids that come for a visit. She sits at their feet and just looks up at them asking to be pat. She’s so lovely.

Goldie boy. Goldie is such a sweet puppy. He’s a quiet pup that isn’t worried about much of anything. He just watches everything taking it all in. We love this puppy so much.

Green boy. A beautiful puppy with a lovely kind expression. He’s a boxy little guy. We love this special puppy.

Light blue boy. He’s a gorgeous boy with a lot of character. He’s gonna be a rock star.

Midnight Blue boy. Such a sweet puppy, he loves to nibble on your fingers and toes. A soft kind eye and a lovely expression.

Red boy. Red is going going to be a big boy to grow into those long ears. He’s the sweetie that has a heart printed on his chest. So much love for this little guy.

Purple boy. Purple is the biggest of the male puppies. He’s a laid back guy though as it takes a lot of energy to grow. He’s so sweet.

Orange boy. Orange boy has the sweetest character. Also loves all the kids that come for visits. Let’s them carry him around and gives a lot of kisses. Such a sweetie he is.

Lime boy. He’s got the greatest little face and the sweetest expression. Lime’s a laid back boy that has a quiet character.