At Wanderweg Kennel we strive to place our puppies in homes where every puppy will be a full member of their new family. Our puppies are raised in our house to live in your house. Our puppies are very well socialized, well handled and given lots of love and attention while they are with us. Leonbergers are very social dogs and as such they love to be with their families doing everything with them. Leonbergers need a lot of time and early socialization as puppies to grow up to be happy and healthy dogs. Leonbergers also need a fully fenced and secure yard for them to spend time outside in a safe environment, though they definitely are house dogs. They also need a huge amount of time from their family, especially when they are puppies. Puppy classes and obedience classes are important for the upbringing of a properly socialized adult Leonberger.
Leonbergers are exceptional companion dogs but they are not for everyone. They are very large in size and have full coats that continually shed fur throughout your home. Leonbergers also love to dig in gardens and to jump up on you to say hi! Leo are typically a well suited breed for busy families that don't mind a little flying fur, and that have the time to care for an active puppy. They are very friendly dogs, but are also guardians and need guidance and security from their families.
We are very excited to announce the litter between Alvaro Grande Leonis (Atlas) and Wanderweg’s Sugar and Spice (Riley). They have 9 beautiful puppies born July 3, 2023 (4 females and 5 males). We currently have two male puppies available from this litter. Both parents are fully health tested and are clear of LPN1,2,3 and LEMP mutations.

Wanderweg’s Sugar and Spice
Alvaro Grande Leonis