There is always something when having puppies. Talia has had an amazingly easy time and is feeling very good. She has been an amazing mom and is helping with Ruby’s puppies. Ruby had her puppies on Saturday July 8. She had a very hard time and was feeling quite poorly. On Sunday she was very sick and needed quick medical attention. So her puppies, all ten of them, were slowly introduced to Talia. The first puppy was little pink and white girl the smallest of either litter. Talia was thinking what’s this when she was given the puppy. She thought about it for a few seconds and then started to clean the puppy, which Ruby hadn’t been able to do. She licked her everywhere and pulled her in for a snuggle. Next Talia was brought the second smallest puppy, white white boy and she did the same thing, cleaned the puppy up and pulled him in for a snuggle. She continued to do this for each puppy and in the end she started to take care of all 19 puppies! That’s a lot of puppies! Of course she can’t feed them all, so we have been supplementing the puppies around the clock! Ruby is now feeling much better and is going to be just fine. She now is tending to five of her puppies and will get a few more back over the next day or so. It makes for long days for us caring for the puppies but we are thankful for Talia’s wonderful character to happily do what needs to be done for Ruby’s puppies. And we are thankful that Ruby knows that her puppies are being well taken care with Talia. What amazing dogs they are! Here is a picture of Talia and all the puppies!
